Unanswered Questions
Do we sabotage ourselves? Or do we just sometimes end up in a bad predicament accidentally? Either way why does it happen to some more often than others? Is it just because those people have more lessons to learn in order to grow? Why does love hurt? Why is it easier for some to give their hearts to someone than it is for others? Why can't some people look beyond looks when it comes to being attracted to someone? Why do people just fall out of love? Did they even really love the person to begin with? Why do people think it's ok to do bad things for attention? Why do some people need "likes" for validation? Why is it so hard for some people to be honest? Why is there so much hate in the world? Why don't children play outside anymore? Why are parents letting the internet raise their children? Why are people so obsessed with the Kardashians that they don't see the important things in the world? Why are people judging other people? Are those who judge perfect? Why are there so many unanswered questions in the church? Why in this day and age is it easier to hate than it is to love? Why does a lot of music nowadays have no real message? or at least a positive one. Why are !there so many people in America claiming disability, making it harder for those who are actually disabled? Why is racism a thing? Why is hate a thing? Why is plastic surgery a thing? Why is body shaming a thing? Why is cat calling a thing?
Is it possible for us to live in a world of unity and fairness? Can we all just come together?
I don't know but one could only hope
Much love
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