There's a fine line between feeling lonely & feeling alone. In my mind, the feeling of feeling alone is described as feeling misunderstood. no one understands you, your problem or your situation. When you feel lonely you feel like you have no one by your side or you have no one to love you. You can be in a room filled with people & still feel lonely. Why do we feel like that sometimes? I can tell you i've definitely felt like that before & i tend to let those feelings get the best of me sometimes. Sometimes i don't know how to get out of those feelings & then i start feeling slightly depressed especially when i start feeling lonely. Honestly i've felt lonely a lot more then i 've felt alone. I tend to be down on myself a lot about that feeling, at least i USED TO BE. I used to tell myself "yeah, you're cute but no one wants to be with you, no one wants a girl who has to use a wheelchair & if they do it won't be for long." "you're only good enough for a suitable replacement so get used to it" I got that so stuck in my head. it was horrible! I felt that way because i honestly believed it. I believed that i'll never be good enough no matter how much love i give, how much time i put in, how great i am to them, how much i keep myself looking my best, i'll never be enough. That's how i felt! I came off as strong but inside i felt weak. Until finally i felt done! Done putting myself down, just done! i can't handle that feeling and it's so frustrating because i find myself going back to that feeling & thinking those thoughts sometimes & i hate it because i don't want to feel that way or think like that about myself. & now i come to realize that I'm only human. The things that we go through in life give us false thoughts of ourselves sometimes, we lose sight of who we are & our worth. So i have to tell myself Bre, you're an amazing woman who's worth so much more than you think, you're lovable & you have so much love to give that if you held it in you could explode, you're real and true & at the end of the day all that matters is that you stay true to yourself. Every time i tell myself that, i feel so great & then i wonder why the hell was i feeling so bad in the first place? Haha, it's crazy but it works! I've had people in my life who had made me feel really bad about myself but i've overcome it. I may feel lonely at times but i know i'm not alone.
Well that's all i have to offer you guys, from my personal experience to yours!
Much Love
Well that's all i have to offer you guys, from my personal experience to yours!
Much Love
What a nice blog! I love your flowery theme. Would you check out mine?
will do!!