Changes & additions to Much Love + STARTING YOUTUBE! (READ ALL)

Hey lovelies, happy Monday! I hope everyone is having a good day & week, so far. I have been so excited to tell you guys about the changes &  additions to come on Much Love.

There's only 1 change & 2 additions, so I'll start with the change.

Change #1.
I will be writing a blog post at the end of every week starting next month, instead of  whenever I feel like it. I want to share with you guys what I  have learned that week, the life lessons & whatnots.

Addition #1.
I'm bringing back MLA! If you'ee not familiar with MLA, (Much Love Advice), It's an advice column I started back in january that I just stopped writing after 3 months because of where my life was at the time. so, I'm bringing it back & basically how it's going to work is, you're going to send your advice questions to & I'm going to answer them in the next MLA post. You CAN remain anonymous only IF you say so in the email. You can ask advice on anything you want. I'm going to post at the end of each month starting October 26th, so get those questions in!

Addition #2
Last but certainly not the least, I'm starting a VLOG CHANNEL on YouTube! I'm really excited about this because I've written about what it's like to be a woman in a wheelchair, but to be able to show you is going to be a fun & amazing experience.If you're interested in seeing my life then click "VLOG CHANNEL" & hit that Subscribe button! I will be starting this next month as well so, get ready for a month full of Much Love.

Well, that's  all I have to offer you guys today, from my personal experience to yours!
Much Love


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