Save the drama for ya llama! (cause ya mama don't want it) | How to avoid it

Okay so I know I haven't written anything decent in a while, I apologize for my slacking. My personal life has been a little busier than usual and a little hectic. A lot of good things have happened from my radio interview to spending some much-needed quality family time,  getting a power chair, even a little apartment decor. I am so very grateful for all the good things in my life, I am not complaining whatsoever but sometimes, and I know I'm not the only one when negative things happen, it causes me to feel overwhelmed especially when it's a constant flow. I recently found myself involved in some messy drama with 2 different people, one male, and one female. In both situations, I was being accused of something I didn't do. In all honesty, it hurt me because I really care about these 2 people. One of them even went as far as saying they may get a restraining order against me because I'm "dangerous". How dangerous could I be? ... I'm in a wheelchair. Crazy, right?  All the drama that's happened has had me in tears, it's exhausting. So, how do we avoid drama?

  • Get rid of the toxic relationships
And I'm not just talking about boyfriends or girlfriends. In all honesty, I believe that no matter who the person is, if they're causing you drama, you don't need them.

  • Don't concern yourself with anyone else's issues
Sometimes you have to ignore that urge to help someone because you may wind up being the bad guy to the person you were initially trying to help, no good deed goes unpunished, or something like that.

  • be honest
I can't stress that one enough, just don't lie.

  • If brought to you, just say you want nothing to do with it

All in all, if you want nothing to do with a dramatic situation, just stay out of it. If you're in a sticky situation already, then try as hard as you can to be the adult. Talk it out and try not to argue. If someone is being nasty and rude to you then kill them with kindness. Always remember to never stoop to low levels because you are too lovely for that nonsense! :)

well, that's all I have to offer you guys today, from my personal experience to yours!
Much Love


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