Used & Abused
I'm the type of person who helps other people without really even thinking about it, I just do it. I want for others what I want for myself, happiness. But what if in the process of trying to help I get used & abused? What if I don't realize I'm getting used & abused until it's to late? People like to take my kindness for granted & honestly, I don't understand why. I mean, I'm genuinely a good person. I'd never intentionally hurt anyone even if I feel they deserve it. Why do people do that to one sorbet? No one likes to be, let alone feel used.
So why do people do that? Let's break it down so we can try to understand. Some people love to help others and others love receiving help especially when struggling. When one person helps the same person over and over it starts to become enabling for the other person to not fix their own problems. As the helper and enabler, we need to learn to say no because if we don't, we will continue to get used. I understand how hard it is to say no sometimes. We don't want people to think bad of us, but we have got to protect ourselves. Now there are those instances where we're not even trying to help anyone and we still wind up getting used, for example, through friendships, relationships & family. Like I said before, people taking kindness for granted. How do we fix that problem? Figure out who are the people who use you and what they use you for. Figure out if given the opportunity. would they help you? If the answer is no then you've got to get rid of that toxic person, but first, let them know how you feel and if they don't take it into consideration, get rid of them. Don't let anyone use you. You have so much to offer the world, don't let one untrustworthy person drain you. Open your eyes and see the signs. If they're constantly asking you for help but they're not trying themselves or if you're giving someone exactly what they want over and over again but you're getting nothing good or what you want from them in return then odds are, they're using you. You deserve better. We all do.
Disclaimer: I'm not saying not to help anyone. Help people because you're a good person and the world needs that big time, but never enable anyone to use you or take you for granted.
Well, that's all I have to offer you guys today, from my personal experience to yours.
Much Love
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