MLA Column | Valentines day, Love & Sibling rivalries
Hey lovelies, welcome to the 2nd installment of my advice column MLA!
I am so excited & glad that you all are taking to this. Thanks for confiding in me & I look forward to reading your emails. Let's go ahead and dive right into this.
How can I love a sister who is always being ugly to me? She tells me that I need to grow up, I'm nothing but a loser, I need to get my life together and I can't move back home with mom. I have my life together, I have two jobs, I'm trying to do better in school & I'm not trying to move back home, I just called my mom because I had boyfriend trouble. What do I do?
-Signed, hurt & confused
MLA- I too can relate to having a mean sister. My sister Theresa and I always had a rivalry, my mom called us water & oil growing up she was either doing something to annoy me or she really cared about me. Talk to your sister, find out the root of the problem & resolve it. She could be concerned about your life but just going about it the wrong way. Let her know that her words hurt you. If It's not that then find out exactly what's bothering her about you & if your mom can have her step in. Remember, at the end of the day when you have no one else your siblings are all you have, cherish them.
What do you do when you love someone & then lose them? Over a year ago I broke up with the best thing that ever happened to me & I want her back.
MLA- Well you can't be that dumb if you realized she was the best thing you ever had. Though it might be too late, let her know EXACTLY how you feel & if she takes you back then prove to her you love her as often as you can. Tell her she is beautiful, make her feel special & treat her like a queen. If she's the best thing you ever had then DON'T treat her like she's replaceable but if she's moved on, you move on.
Any suggestions on what to get men for valentines day? We've only been together for about 6 months
MLA- Well you can never go wrong with cologne or a nice snap back/baseball cap :) or if you know all his favorite snacks or candies then put together a little V-day love basket for your new boo, I'm sure he'd appreciate that.
Thank you all for your Emails and I really hope to have helped at least one person. If you need any advice feel free to Email me at and the next MLA post will be Friday, Feb 26
If you want to remain anonymous please state that in the email
Well, that's all I have to offer you guys today from my personal experience to yours!
Much Love
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