Dealing w/ Anxiety | My story

So I wanted to write a post today about something I've been struggling with since I was 15  years old. ANXIETY. What is anxiety? A strong feeling of worry, nervousness or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. Sometimes when anxiety gets the best of us it causes panic attacks.

I had my first panic attack when I was 15. I was away at summer camp having a great time, I was in the swimming pool with a counselor who was helping me swim because I can't swim. She was holding me in the water going under & up again. Well one of the times while I was under the water, she didn't pull me up when I signaled her. I panicked, kicking under water. She finally pulled me up noticing that I was shaking uncontrollably. She asked if I was okay but I couldn't respond because I was trying to breathe. I spent the rest of the day in the infirmary trying to figure out what the hell just happened to me. after having another one 6 months later and then another one 5 months later, I finally went to see my doctor who told me they were panic attacks. He wanted tp put me on medication but I felt as though I didn't need them because I wasn't having them but like 2 or 3 times a year. Though I  wasn't having them frequently, it scared enough to where it controlled my every move. I didn't want to go out with friends, Watch scary movies or even talk to people who weren't related to me face to face because I  didn't want to have a panic attack, I didn't even want to go swimming anymore. One day I finally woke up out of that fear and said I can't live like this. Why would I want to live in fear of something happening that might not even happen? I had to start living again. I had to tell myself if it happens, it happens. If you feel it coming on, stop, don't panic and breathe. That works for me and sometimes stops it from happening.

Statistics show that over 40 million adults 18 & older in the U.S. suffer from anxiety disorder. Globally 1 in 13 suffer. Do you know there are over 7.1 billion people in the world? 1 in 13 is a hell of a lot of people. If you're suffering from anxiety, you're not alone! If it's to the point where you're having attacks, please see your doctor, make sure that you know exactly what's happening to your body. I'm not going to lie, anxiety attacks are the worst. To me, it  feels like you're going to die because your heart is racing and you can't control your breath. It's scary to feel out of control of your body. If you have them please don't let them ruin your life because like Justin Bieber says, Life is worth living so live another day. You can learn some breathing techniques or practice yoga, that helps me. Don't let fear control your life.

If you have any questions or anything feel free to comment or email me at

Well, that's all I have to offer you guys from my personal experience to yours!

Much Love


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