5 Ways to stay motivated in 2016
Everyone has goals they want accomplished. Some of us even
made New Year’s resolutions, but how do we keep them? How do we make sure these
goals or ambitions are accomplished? We all slack every now & then, so I came
up with a few ways to help make sure that doesn’t happen.
Remember your main goals
Sometimes it’s hard to stay motivated because, while living
life and dodging curve balls, we sometimes lose track of what we wanted to do
in the 1st place. A fun way to keep your main goals in mind is to
make a vision board. Buy a bulletin board or use your wall. Thumb tac some
motivating pictures somewhere you can’t miss like in your bedroom. You can also try placing sticky notes all
around your house with reminders and motivating words like “you can do it” or “don’t
give up” it can definitely help. I bought some wall stickers with inspiring
quotes on Amazon that helps me.
2. Get rid of pointless distractions
I know with life today, it is so easy to get distracted. From
social networking to gaming and TV, we don’t know when to stop! It gets to the
point where we prioritize around them & that’s not good, unless your goals
have something to do with networking. Remember,
good things don’t come to those who wait… Good things come to those who work.
3. Set reminders
Like I said before, it’s easy to forget what you want to
accomplish when going with the flow of life. Everyone has cell phones these
days, some are even attached to them 24/7. If you’re one of those people then one of the
best ways to remember your goals is to set daily reminders. You can even set
them to say inspiring things like the sticky notes. If you’re more “old
fashioned” if you will, buy a planner or calendar and make a schedule.
4. Find your inspiration
One of the things that help me the most is seeing someone
else try hard & succeed. People are my inspiration. Find something or
someone who makes want to succeed, simple as that.
If you ever for a second start to think “I can’t do it”, “my
dreams are unrealistic”, “it’s too hard”, or “I give up”, keep in mind, a man
walked on the moon! Think of the celebrities, think of bill gates. I bet none
of them would have thought they would ever accomplish the things they’ve
I believe in you, now believe in yourself!
Well that’s all I have to offer you guys today, from my personal
experience to yours!
Much Love
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