My #REVIVALstories are exactly that. STORIES! There's been plenty of times when I've been down but never out. From the doctors telling my mom when I was little that I would never be able to do anything for myself because of my disability ( but here I am 24 years old, moved out of my mom's at 20 living independently the best way I know how) to falling in love with someone I thought would never hurt me & would be there forever but he did and he wasn't it hurt like hell. I thought no one could ever love me & I could never love again because I was broken but I pulled myself together & moved on. I got stronger I revived myself but this isn't even the half of it. I've been through a lot in my life that's made me stronger. I can't stress this enough how important it is not to let things keep you down for long. I've told this story before but when I was a baby the doctors told my mom that I wouldn't live to see 5 years old & I'm sure that hurt her like hell but that didn't stop her from giving me a life. She is very strong and I admire her strength so much I think my strength comes from her. I write this in hopes of inspiring people to never EVER give up. It's okay to be down because you have to build your strength from somewhere but NEVER EVER stay out for too long.
This post is honor of Selena Gomez new album Revival. What's your #REVIVALstories
Well that's all I have to offer you guys today, from my personal experience to yours!
Much Love
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