Fear Shmear PSSHH
I was thinking that I should dig down deep inside, in a place I sometimes try to avoid. I'm going to share with you my deepest darkest fears, concerns & greatest worries, things that make me anxious but first, what is fear? Fear; an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat. There are a number of things that can cause people to be fearful from death to being afraid of the dark. They could be major or minor things it really doesn't matter because what may seem minor to one person can be major to others. My deepest fears include, being or dying alone, speaking in front of a crowd, anxiety attacks, rejection, being unsuccessful and not being loved by the ones I love. I know that last one seems silly but I live to be a positive influence in people's lives. I'm not a perfect person but I know I'm good at one thing and that's making people feel loved. I want to be successful and be fulfilled by my dreams. The moment I don't succeed in something I freak out and sometimes even abandon the dream. Rejection is something I feared since middle school though it's inevitable I just hate that feeling. Anxiety attacks are NO JOKE!! I occasionally have them but can often control them. Why do I fear them? If you're not familiar with them they feel like you're going to die. Public speaking... well that brings on my anxiety. Being or dying alone, who wants that really? Our fears are liable to stop us from living our lives and that's not good or healthy, so what do we do about that? We overcome it. How? Simple, tell people about it. Share with the ones you love what's really going on with you. You do not have to face the scary things alone. Find someone you trust dearly and I can assure you they'll help you through it. it might help if you learn to relax. Perhaps yoga and meditation might help. You can also try facing your fear. Sometimes facing the fear head on helps you to realize the thing you feared the whole time wasn't even all that scary. Maybe one of your fears is going to a haunted house. What a coincidence, we are in October! Go to a haunted house and run through there screaming your head off with your eyes closed it doesn't matter, you know why? Because you finally faced your fear! Don't let fear stop you from living your life because your life is so worth living. The helpful things I named above helps me I can only hope it helps you my amazing readers and friends!
Well that's all I have to offer you guys today, from my personal experience to yours!
Much Love
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