You ever love somebody so much....

You ever love somebody so much it hurts?  You ever love somebody so much you'd literally do anything for them? You ever love somebody so much that just the thought of them makes you feel all happy inside? You ever love somebody so much that they're the last thought before you go ro sleep & damn near the first thought when you wake up? You ever love somebody so much that no matter what they did you can't stay mad at them for long?  You ever love somebody so much that every song you hear makes you think  of them in some way? You ever love somebody so much it makes you crazy? You ever love somebody so much it makes you sick to your stomach  to picture them with somebody other than you?  You ever love somebody so much you re-read old messages from them that made you smile?  You ever love somebody so much it's scary?  You ever love somebody so much & not have them love you back?  Me neither... at least to his knowledge

Much Love


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