Mirror mirror on the wall....
I'm a female, therefore, I have moments where my insecurities come out bigger than normal. When I look in the mirror sometimes I'll be like "ugh I feel ugly today! My hairs not right, there's a pimple on my cheek, my boobs are too small. Etc" & sometimes I'll be like, "oh my gosh, I look so good today I LOVE IT!" when the truth of the matter is, both of those moments I look exactly the same! I don't know why I do that to myself sometimes but I guess in this day & age, that's how females are. They try to meet this standard of perfection that just doesn't exist for them, trying to be someone who's not them. You think Eve ever looked in a mirror & was like "eww I look gross"? probably not. The only thing she worried about was being nude. Why can't we be like that? Why can't we just accept ourselves for who we are & what we look like? I know quite a few young women who won't even leave the house without makeup or the right outfit because if they ran into someone they knew it would be the end of life as we know it. well guess what? It's not! Truth is, no one cares as much as you think. Now I'm not saying go to Walmart dressed like a clown all I'm saying is take pride in who you are & it's OK to enhance your beauty but just quit trying to be the Beyonces & Kim kardashians of the world & be you because while you're trying to be them they're getting more work done or at least getting their pictures photoshoopped. There's only one you so treat yourself right. I've decided I'm not going to let them mind tricks I play on myself when I look in the mirror effect me. I am confident, therefore I am beautiful.
Well that's all I have to offer you guys today, from my personal experience to yours!
Much Love
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