I need interesting topics!!!
I haven't blogged in a couple weeks. I've tried numerous times but every time I start to write something my heart doesn't let me. It's like this, I may think the topic is good and I may have something interesting to say about it but I'm not passionate about it so I feel like my opinion won't be as valuable to you guys. That's just how I feel because all of what I've written in the past is real and from my heart and I don't want to put out anything less. I have an idea, a way for you guys to help me help you. I want you all to email me. Tell me what I should blog about and why. Maybe seeing how passionate you guys are over a topic I'll be able to give you my all and become passionate about it too. So please email me at Bredondarae91@gmail.com tell me what topic interest you and why and next week I will write about it! Plus I'll give you a shout out/thank you so be sure to leave your name or twitter handle so you can be recognized.
Well that's all I have to offer you guys today, from my personal experience to yours!
Much Love
Email me!
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