Journey to.... wherever!
I moved out of my parents house when I was 20 to live with my aunt until I was able to find my own place. I stayed there I want to say for about 3 or 4 months until my best friend and I decided to live together which only lasted about 3 or 4 months due to disagreements and what not. No worries, we're still best friends. I then went back to my aunts house for about 3 months until I found my first real place alone. It was great! I was 21, and loved having friends over. Within the year of living in that apartment I got a boyfriend. He was living with me for about 9 months then we decided to move to another apartment together because it was nicer than the one I was living in and also more expensive. We lived in the new apartment for about 4 months, we were supposed to be there a year but we broke up and I couldn't afford the apartment by myself which leads me to my first broken lease. I went back to my parents house for 2 months then I went to stay with my best friend that I used to live with for a month. During that month I met 1 of n my new best guy friends it was a great month but had to keep going. After that I went to live with my cousin for 2 months. I had some great times there too but once again, I had to keep going. I went back to my parents AGAIN and we decided to move to another state that I've never been to before. Met some new friends there but you guessed it, I had to keep going. I was only with them for 6 months which brings me to where I am now, living with a couple friends trying to save money for my own place. Everyone has a journey and everyone's journey is different. Mine has been 4 years already and still going until I'm where I need to be. My journey has definitely had it's ups and downs along the way but I must admit, it's been fun! Hope yours is too!
Well that's All I have to offer you guys today, from my personal experience to yours!
Much Love
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