Perfection is a damsel in distress
Why is the world so obsessed with perfection? What is perfection anyway? Perfection- The condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects. Wait, so what are flaws? Flaw- A mark, fault, or other imperfection that mars a substance or object. i think its funny how even for a second we can think that someone is perfect or think that we're perfect i mean come on, even Beyonce isn't flawless. We live in a world where people are judged or discriminated against because of their flaws & imperfections & it's sad because it stops people from being who they are or following their dreams or even cause some people to be depressed because they can't change who they are. About 9 years ago when i was 15 or 16 i auditioned to be on a Disney channel show called The suite life of Zach & Cody (or on deck, it was around the time they changed the name) I wanted to be an actress, and i still do! Well the audition went good. They told me i did very well BUT the role couldn't be for a girl in a wheelchair. Yup they said that! And though i didn't show it, i was crushed. I mean, how can i follow my dreams when my "defect" is holding me back? That was my first and last audition so i settled for the typical dreams you know, teacher, lawyer, counselor. I even went to school for a semester needless to say i didn't really enjoy it. I know i'm a smart young woman but i also know where my heart is. Entertainment and making people smile. if i can't do either one of those things how can i truly be happy? If i want to be happy then i shouldn't give up thats why when my friend said i should start a blog i did. Got to start somewhere right? So with that being said i encourage you to be who you are and follow your dreams no matter what your "defects" are. DO YOU!
Well that's all i have to offer you guys today, from my personal experience to yours!
Much Love
Well that's all i have to offer you guys today, from my personal experience to yours!
Much Love
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