Does the heart want what it wants?

Why, Selena Gomez? Why does the heart want what it wants? Love is blind? Are we just lonely? I don't know but what I do know is that we all at some point in our lives we can relate to Selena's song "heart wants what it wants" I KNOW I COULD  when you fall for someone in the beginning they don't have a caution sticker on their forehead & if they do we ignore it because we think we know them & we believe that they wouldn't hurt us & then if they do hurt us we look past it because we're so in love we don't know how to let that person go. Some people have a way of making you believe that who they portray themselves to be is who they really are. So how do you know if they're faking it? Perhaps you could ask yourself these questions. Do they act different from the way they acted when you first got together? Do they act different or treat you differently in front of their friends? Do they constantly lie or change their opinion about something? These are just a couple red flags you should look out for. Some people (like me) wear their heart on their sleeves so anybody can just take it if you let them. All I can really say is be careful who you give your heart to. In all honesty its hard to tell if someone is going to hurt you. We don't expect to be hurt by the ones that we love but it could happen. The one thing we have to remember is we don't have to accept being hurt. We don't have to settle for someone who constantly breaks our heart because we can find someone better & worth our love trust me,  there's over 7 billion people in this world! Don't allow yourself to be stuck in toxic city. Tell your heart that there's plenty of fish in the sea!

Well that's all I have to offer you guys today from my personal experience to yours!
Much Love


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