You ever have a situation where you have to think it through before you go along with a plan? Sure, of course you have. I swear life is full of tough decisions but how do you know when you're over thinking something? Maybe when you're giving a minor situation major outcomes for example walking to the store alone when you really don't want to because you don't want to get killed. Now unless you live in a really rough neighborhood chances of that happening are slim to none. Some people have an aptitude for making the simple complex. But what if it's a situation that can potentially change your whole life? We always have to remember change is inevitable & constant. What if you want to be in the situation but others try & tell you what you should do? We shouldn't rationalize or justify what we're not doing we just need to be honest about what we want to do. What if we're scared? We need to get out of our heads & into our hearts. What if our decisions end up being a mistake we'll regret later? We need to stop looking at mistakes as regrets, every mistake is a lesson learned. & if the situation is happening at the wrong time, nothing is perfect especially timing. I think that we need to just get out of our thoughts, clear our minds & do what we want to do as long as it's not harming ourselves or others don't assume the worst outcome will happen just do what makes you happy
Well that's all I have to offer you guys today from my personal experience to yours!
Much Love
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