5 ways to become a better you

I've been working on myself a lot lately, and when I say that I mean, becoming a better me.
There have been many occasions where I find myself getting angry or irritated at situations in which I could react differently. Now I know it's inevitable to get angry at times, but angry doesn't have to become who you are.  I just thought I should share with you, ways to become a better you.

1.Clear the clutter
When I say that, I mean, in your mind & your home.  A clean home & mind can help you feel good, and help you feel in control.

2. Do something selfless
Help someone in need. If possible, when clearing the clutter, find things you don't want or need & donate it. Imagine, while changing your life, you could be changing others. If you can't do that, then just simply donate your time to someone who may need a friend.

3.Drain the toxins
I've said this before in past posts, it is not healthy to have people or things in your life that cause you to be unpleasant. let go of the people who are constantly bringing you down in any way. now this  is my opinion,  I think that it is good to surround yourself with like-minded people, or positive, more upbeat that way you don't find yourself being pulled down.  And don't eat so much junk food. I mean,  it's good to treat yourself every once in awhile but believe it or not, what you eat can be an impact on how you feel. 

4. Find your happy place.
Sometimes the best thing you can do when someone or something is getting under your skin is, close your eyes and imagine yourself in a place you feel at piece. Try Unicorn Island! Google it. :)

5. Meditate, pray & get closer to God
Everyone knows that meditation is a way of relaxing the mind, body & soul. I've never done it full on, but I've done yoga (which I'd like to get back into) & during yoga, I like to meditate. Now I'm a believer in god & that Jesus christ died for our sins. I also believe that prayer works. I also feel that our journey to get closer to god doesn't end until we're with him in heaven. If you feel negativity overpowering you,start praying & ask god to guide you through &ask for patience,  he'll see you through.

Disclaimer: I am not pushing my beliefs  on anyone, I just really wanted to share with you guys what works for me. I hope this helps at least one person out there.

Well, that's all I have to offer you guys today, from my personal experience to yours

Much Love


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