Oh look, a squirrel! (procrastination & distractions)

<---(Me) I have so much to do today. I have important business to take care of. I need to do this, i need to do that... But i think i'm going to stay home and watch friends on netflix today & get started on that other stuff tomorrow. I am soooo guilty of procrastinating and letting everyday life distractions come between me & the productive things that i want to do but don't do. Even when it comes to following my dreams. It takes time to follow a dream so instead of being persistent i get distracted & forget what i was originally doing. Am i the only one whose like this? I don't  think i am but sometimes i wonder. I even let people distract me. I don't mean to, it just happens. I think i have a short attention span. I want to break free from this & the only way i know how is by minimizing the everyday distractions like tv & social media & cutting out huge distractions all together like certain people or getting involved in people's lives or problems. I recently moved to another state from where i'm from originally so that's been minimized & i don't really know anyone here, that's not really a problem anymore. I am very aware that i am easily distracted so since i am aware you'd think it'd be easier to focus right? Maybe slightly, but no not really. So i googled "how to stop procrastinating" and they gave 9 steps

which are as followed:
  1. Remind yourself that there's always more to be done than can be done. Then ask yourself if you're getting the right things done.
  2. Make a smart to-do list by including only the items that you're avoiding, not the ones you know you'll do anyways. Then set deadlines
  3. Break the task down to lessen the sense of being overwhelmed. Once you start to enjoy a small accomplishment or two, you're more than likely to finish.
  4. Eliminate temptation to do something else.
  5. Bargain with yourself. If you finish the business plan now, you can go to the movies later.
  6. Focus on the success you will achieve and the joy you will feel.
  7. Come up with a consequence that will deter you from avoiding the task. If you don't exercise two times a week, you have to give up talking on the phone with your friends.
  8. Ask someone to help you complete the task.
  9. Make your intentions public. This will add pressure, but for some of us, avoiding embarrassment  is the mightiest motivator.
Fair enough! i guess you can say this is my way of publicizing my intentions. I feel like if i take these steps above then i can do this! No more if, ands or buts! I have faith in myself to do what i want to do no matter how long it takes. I hope i have everyone's support!!

Well that's all i have to offer you guys today, from my personal experience to yours!

Much Love


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